Dienstag, 12. Mai 2009
On the road again

Disclaimer: Ich werde ab sofort auch ab und an Beiträge in Englisch schreiben. Der Grund ist einfach der, dass Deutsch in diesen Gefilden eine recht unbrauchbare Sprache ist und ich deswegen praktisch nur Englisch spreche und (seit neuestem) auch Spanisch. Manches fällt mir mitlerweile sogar leichter in Englisch auszudrücken...

Finally i'm going to Chile. Ushuaia is a pretty nice city and the fact that it is (nearly) the southmost city of the world is a quite cool one. I've been here for 2 weeks now, i've learned a decent amount of spanish, i've hiked up a glaciar two times and i've met lots of nice people but what's the point of traveling if one isn't traveling?

At 5:30 in the morning my bus will depart to Rio Grande (1 1/2 hs), then i'll change the bus and heading for Punta Arenas (6-7 hs) and there i'll change the bus AGAIN to get to Puerto Natales (another 2-3 hs).

Puerto Natales is the city that is closest to the huge and famous nationalpark Torres del Paine. I'm gonna stay there for a night, rent a tent and a mat, hopefully find some nice people with whom i can travel and then i'm off to real nature. The weather in Torres del Paine is more or less a huge brownian motion, making it impossible to predict and so i have to be prepared for everything between blizzards and sunshine. My goal is to complete the "W" which will take me at least 5 days and since i'm totally inexperienced in terms of hiking probably 6.

I'll be back in around 6-8 days, hopefully with some pictures and a decent story. Wish me luck.

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